Relly huart touching 💋💞💕🌹

Really huart touching

This post is not updated now. Can not read properly. I had been written it in class 7
but I will fix it soon 

I was walking around in a Bazar store making shopping when saw a cashler talking to a boy couldn't haven been more then 6/7 years old

The cashler said I'am sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll. Then the little boy truned to me and asked uncle please help me buy this I don't have enough money?

I counted his cash and replied " you know that you don't have enough money to buy doll, I am dear "The little boy was still holding the doll inthis hand..

Finally l. I walked toward him and I asked him who he wishing to gave the doll to its the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much. I wanted to girl her for her birthday.

I to give three doll to my mommy so that
She can gave it my
Sister when she goes there. He eyes were so sad while saying this my sister has gone to be with. God l....daddy says that mommy is going see good very soon too so I though that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister

My huart nearly stopped . The little boy loked up at me and said I told daddy to tell mommy not to get at I need her to wait untill I come back from the mall " the he showed me very photo of him where he's was laughing. He then told me i'll want mommy to take my photo with her so my sister won't forget me I love my mommy and I wish doesn't have to leave me but daddy saying she has go to be with my little sister then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes very quletly

• I quletly reached for my wallet and said to  the boy suppose we check again just in case you do have enough money for the doll
Said I hope i do enough i added some my money to his with out him sleeping we start to count it there was enough for the doll and even some spare money

The little boy said Thank you god fir geving me enough money

Then he looked at me and added I asked last night before i want to sleep for good to make sure I had enough money to buy this dool, so that money could give it to my little sister. He heart me I also want to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy but did nit dare to ask god for too much. He give me enough to buy the doll and white rose my mommy loves whilte rose